I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to my father and boss, Luc Letourneau, on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday and for his 30 years of dedication to Protech Construction.
You have dedicated more than half your life to the business and throughout these years you have been a guide, a mentor and a friend to those around you.
Your kindness and generosity towards others are examples that inspire us all!
I am honored to have had the chance to know you for 34 years as a father and to work by your side for more than 17 years. You have always been a role model for me and I am always amazed by your perseverance and your passion for life.
I’m lucky to share so much of my life with you and I’m proud of the person you are and the positive impact you have on the lives of others.
I wish you many more years of challenges and exciting experiences, because I know that is what excites you the most. Thank you very much for all you do and happy birthday!
– Rémi